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Rachael Wuraola Aremo ALIYU (Iwurawiya)



Racheal Wuraola (a.k.a Iwurawiya) was a grand daughter to Ologori Aliu. Her father was called Ogbofaiye and was the only child of Ogbofaiye’s.


Husband: Mr. Odama





Her mother who was one of the strong members of the cultural group called "Egbe Ife"  which literally means

"Love Club"was a woman of humour. Iwurawiya-Wiya


Wuraola who named herself Iwurawiya "meaning" Iwura's mother had no match when it comes to humour. Her humour was constructed mainly on her self but really mainly sacarstic comments about life, people and the society each of which she substituted her own name for. Many of her sayings are used by Ogori people. One of these is "Oro eme fo, a da fan" meaning one who is not dead usually survives". This like many of her sayings, of course, has deeper meanings in appropriate contexts. 


To be continued...


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